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Aggregation Functions

any_value(col): Returns an arbitrary non-null value x, if one exists.

arbitrary(col): Returns an arbitrary non-null value of x, if one exists. Identical to any_value().

array_agg(col): Returns an array created from the input x elements.

avg(col): Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of all input values.

bool_and(col): Returns TRUE if every input value is TRUE, otherwise FALSE.

bool_or(col): Returns TRUE if any input value is TRUE, otherwise FALSE.

checksum(col): Returns an order-insensitive checksum of the given values.

count(col): Returns the number of non-null input values.

count_if(col): Returns the number of TRUE input values. This function is equivalent to count(CASE WHEN x THEN 1 END).

every(col): This is an alias for bool_and().

geometric_mean(col): Returns the geometric mean of all input values.

max(col): Returns the maximum value of all input values.

min(col): Returns the minimum value of all input values.

sum(col): Returns the sum of all input values.