Synopsis[column, ...])
[.filter(condition [,...])]
[.groupBy(column [,...])]
[.filterGroup(condition [,...])]
[.agg(aggregation [,...])]
[.orderBy(column [,...])]
If no column is provided all columns will selected. .filter()
, .agg()
can be chained more than once.
A column can be represent by a string. To perform arithmetic, comparison and logical operation on a column, a Column type must be use. To read more on column refer to Column section
Creating a column instance
import athenaSQL.functions as F
# create a new column instance. we can use F.col or F.column
col = F.col('col_name')
col2 = F.column('col_2')
# we can perform arithmeti, comparison, logical operation on columns
col_multi = col * 10
col_compare = col >= 10
col_logical = (col >= 10 and col2 <= 15)
SELECT Chain Method Conditions
can only be applied to grouped select query.- If no column is provided on a grouped selecte query only grouping columns will be selected.
- In grouped select query non-grouping columns must be aggregated.
- Aggregating already selected column will replace it unless once of them is aliased.
- Alternative to using
is to directly add aggregated columns
Using SELECT Query
Comprehensive SELECT Query
import athenaSQL.functions as F
from athenaSQL.orders import ASC, DESC
select_salary = ('city', 'country')
.filter(F.col('age') > 10)
.filter(F.col('country') == 'Togo')
.filterGroup(F.avg(F.col('salary')) > 15000)