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Note: Grokking Algorithms

This is my note for the book grokking algorithms. It is really a nice book. It gives most of the fundamental concepts in simple terms. My number one recommendation for any one who is starting data stractures and algorithms.

Big O notation

A notation that tells you how fast an algorithm run. It doesn’t tell you how long it will take but it gives you the number of operations it will need to perform for the worst case scenario. This is particularly useful when number of items increase.

Common Big O run times

  • O(1) constant time - Reading array
  • O(log n) log time - Binary search
  • O(n) linear time - Simple search
  • O(n * log n) -
  • O(n²) Quadratic time - selection sort
  • O(n!) factorial time - The traveling sales person

Algorithm speed isn’t measured in seconds, but in growth of the number of operations. Instead, we talk about how quickly the run time of an algorithm increases as the size of the input increases.

O(log n) is faster thanO(n), but it gets a lot faster as the list of items you are searching grows.

Input: a sorted list of items

Big O: O(log n)

Return: position of item else NULL


  • Check if the middle items is what you are looking for
    • If target is greater than middle look into items to the right of the middle value
    • if target is less than the middle value look into items to the left of the middle value
  • Do the above operation when looking for a target in any subset of the items until target is found or run out of items to look into.
Binary Search Pseudocode
SET items to list of sorted items
SET low to zero
SET high to number of items - 1  // if zero based indexing

INPUT target

WHILE low <= high

    SET mid to (low + high) / 2 rounded down

    IF item at position mid equals target THEN
        OUTPUT mid
    ELSE IF item at position mid is less than target THEN
        SET high to mid - 1
        SET low to mid + 1


OUTPUT NULL  // return null if target not in list

Array vs Linked List

Array Linked List
finite items consecutively in memory infinite items randomly in memory, item address linked to previous item
Stores finite items in a memory next to each other Stores infinite items in a memory randomly
Once created, additional items can not be added Additional items can be added after creation
It is O(1) to access an item, O(n) to insert an item & O(n) to delete an item It is O(n) to access an item, O(1) to insert an item & O(1) to delete an item
Suitable for lots of reads and few inserts We assume the position to insert into and deletion from is known
Random access, this makes array the most used Sequential access
All items should be the same type Items can be different types

Selection sort

Input: a list of items

Big O: O(n²)

Return: sorted items


  • Go through the list of items and take out the smallest value
  • Repeat this until all items have been sorted.

Call Stack

The stack is a data structure that which the first data pulled from the stack is the last data pushed to it. It is used in the computer memory to execute programs. This stack is called call stack. Whenever a function is called it is pushed to the call stack and when the function returns something it is popped out of the stack.