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Bash Cookbook

Delete files/directory recursively from S3

aws s3 ls BUCKET-NAME --recursive > file_Structure
# after all file keys are extracted filter only the target dir to delete

# create objects of 1000 file key and delete
cat file_Structure | xargs -P8 -n1000 bash -c 'aws s3api delete-objects 
--bucket ml-box-data 
--delete "Objects=[$(printf "{Key=%s}," "$@")], Quiet=true"' _

Delete files/directory recursively

Remove -v flag if you don't want verbose output.

# find and list all files that match *.bak pattern
find . -name "*.bak" -type f         

# find and delete all files that match *.bak pattern
find . -name "*.bak" -type f -delete 

find . -name "*.egg-info" -type d # find all dir that match the pattern
find . -name "*.egg-info" -type d -exec rm -rv {} + #(1)!
find . -name "*.egg-info" -type d -exec rm -rv {} \; #(2)!
  1. Find and delete all dir that match the pattern. The + at the end will result in rm -rv file1 file2 ...

  2. Find and delete all dir that match the pattern. The \; at the end will result in rm -rv file1; rm -rv file2; ...

Difference between $() and ${}

$() means first evaluate this and then evaluate the line.

echo $(pwd)/myFile.txt
# interpreted as
echo /my/path/myFile.txt

${} expands a variable.

echo ${MY_VAR}/myFile.txt
# interpreted as
echo toto/myFile.txt

Download all files in a directory using wget

Pass the -np / --no-parent, -r / --recursive and -R / --reject options to wget - stackoverflow

wget --recursive --no-parent -R "index.html*"

wget -r -np -R "index.html*"